Society for the Philosophy of Science 2025 Congress “Science and Representations of the World" The “scientific method” is the fruit of over 2,500 years of intense philosophical reflection, by Aristotle and Galen, Ibn Haytham and Averroes, Galileo and Leibniz, Popper, Feyerabend and Kuhn, to name but a few of the method's illustrious fathers. Throughout the history of this method, the aim has been to extricate ourselves from the subjectivities of the thinking subject in order to strive for reproducible scientific objectivity. If this objectivity is an ideal to be attained, it induces a series of biases in the representations of the World that derive from the fundamental sciences. More positively, this absence of perfect objectivity is also the source of the differentiated contribution of different societies and eras to the basic sciences. Mathematics, the physical sciences, biology and medicine all experienced their classical age in different times and places around the world, when techniques, methods and knowledge flourished and progressed. If we take the conclusions of the basic sciences seriously in a given place and time, we obtain shifting, fluctuating representations of the World, dependent on the paradigms used. The tenth edition of the International Congress of the Society for the Philosophy of Science (SPS) 2025, to be held at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Benguérir (Morocco) from September 10 to 12, 2025, will aim precisely to explore these various complex aspects of the history and philosophy of science, under the general theme “Sciences and Representations of the World”.
To consult past editions of the congress : Les congrès - SPS - Société de philosophie des sciences Call for Contributions The International Congress of the Society for the Philosophy of Science (SPS) 2025, to be held at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Benguerir, Morocco, from September 10 to 12, 2025, invites researchers to submit proposals for contributions under the general theme of “Sciences and World Representations”. However, proposals outside the theme, but relating to philosophy of science, will also be considered. Contribution formats All proposals must be submitted via the dedicated platform and respect the following formats: For a panel :A slot of 15 to 20 minutes is allowed for each intervention, for a total of 30 minutes including discussion.
For individual communication :A slot of 15 to 20 minutes is allowed for each intervention, for a total of 30 minutes including discussion.
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the journal Lato sensu. The terms and conditions will be the same as for the last convention. Please consult the following link for more information (
We remind you that all proposals will be evaluated strictly anonymously, to ensure a fair and transparent selection process. Registration and submission process To register for the conference, please go to : Sciences et représentations du monde - Then log in (or create an account) with your sciencesconf login and password. For your registration to be complete, you must : 1/ Fill in the registration form ; 2/ Submit your abstract or panel proposal. Submission deadline: March 27, 2025 Submission via website Notification of acceptance from March 27, 2025 3/ Once your communication has been accepted, you can pay your registration fee by credit card via the SPS website: Registration fees: Until June 30, 2025: Standard registration: €120 Member of the Society for the Philosophy of Science: €60 Student registration: €25 From July 1, 2025 : Standard registration: €150 Member of the Society for the Philosophy of Science: €80 Student registration: €35
To become an SPS member : Practical information: Transport and accommodation TransportationOnce you've arrived at Marrakech-Menara airport, you have several options for getting to the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P) in Benguerir, around 70 km from Marrakech. Option 1: Train - You can take a cab or bus from the airport to Marrakech train station (approx. 20-minute journey), then a direct train to Benguerir (40-50 minutes). Once in Benguerir, UM6P is easily reached by local cab. Option 2: Taxi - Group or private cabs are available at the airport and can take you directly to Benguerir (approx. 1 hour). Once in Benguerir, UM6P is easily accessible by local cab or on foot, depending on your point of arrival. Option 3: Organized shuttle service - A shuttle service can be organized for conference participants, with the emphasis on group arrivals. We therefore recommend that you coordinate your arrival with other participants and consult the organizing committee for further details.
Accommodation at UM6P and Surroundings
For your stay during the Conference of the Society for Philosophy of Science (SPS) at UM6P Benguerir, several accommodation options are available. As places are limited, we kindly ask you to communicate your reservations in advance. Rooms will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
1. On-campus Accommodation at UM6P
2. Hilton Garden Inn Benguerir - UM6P
3. Club de Tir Hotel
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